rjnoe (08/06/82)
Two months ago, the motion picture "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" was released. As a result of this, the net.movies newsgroup was deluged with articles on "Star Trek", many (though not all) primarily concerned with this particular movie. This condition persisted for about one month. Quite a few complaints were registered on net.movies (and elsewhere) regarding the fact that this one movie could so rapidly overwhelm that newsgroup by the sheer volume of articles submitted. It occurred to me that it was not really the movie itself but the familiar "'Star Trek' phenomenon" which was responsible for this effect. Since the early 1970s, "Star Trek" has had a large and loyal following, of which a significant portion is by nature interested in mathematics, the sciences, engineering, computer science, space exploration, and science fiction. The exact number of people who would describe themselves as "Star Trek" fans (trekkies, trekkers, or otherwise) is of course unknown, but the number of ACTIVE members of "Star Trek" fan clubs nationwide is measured in the tens of thousands and probably exceeds one hundred thousand. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Taking these facts into consideration, I postulated that there should be a relatively large audience among netnews readers for "Star Trek". I have spent recent weeks communicating with others across the country in an effort to determine whether or not this audience would be sufficient to justify establishing a new newsgroup exclusively concerned with "Star Trek". By all indications this would seem to be the case. Because my samplings have been so encouraging I am now taking the step of soliciting opinions from the entire body of netnews readers on the existence of a "Star Trek" newsgroup. In replying, please consider the following: 1) Paramount Pictures has planned a minimum of eight more "Star Trek" motion pictures to be released at intervals of one year or so. 2) While fan activity is certainly highest around the time a film is released, it does not disappear between pictures. The years 1980 and 1981 witnessed some of the largest "Star Trek" fan club enrollments in history. 3) The "Star Trek" following appears to be virtually per- petual. In the decade between the production of the last "Star Trek" television episode and "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" this following GREW by leaps and bounds even though no original "Star Trek" stories were being filmed with permission of the copyright owner. This following sus- tained and strengthened itself through discussion of existing "Star Trek" episodes ONLY! 4) Negotiations for an eventual return of "Star Trek" to a television format of some sort are again underway. 5) "Star Trek" fans, like their questions and comments, will not disappear. Unless another outlet is supplied, net.movies will experience similar congestion with the release of each "Star Trek" movie. I can be contacted by net mail, telephone, or Bell Labs paper mail, whichever is most convenient for you. I invite your opinions on the existence of a "Star Trek" newsgroup as well as what it should be called (I myself am divided between net.trek and net.startrek), topics you would like to see discussed on the newsgroup, and any other comments you feel are relevant. I will of course summarize to the net (net.news.group, where I think further discussion should be confined). Those on the net whom I have already contacted personally need not resubmit comments to me (except to amend them). Roger Noe ...!{ihps3,harpo,ihnss,ucbvax,duke,houxi,eagle}!ihuxl!rjnoe (312) 979-6537 BTL - IH 5B-413