[comp.lang.c++] Looking for C++ on MSDOS

perry@omepd.UUCP (04/15/87)

In <1010@rpics.RPI.EDU> (in comp.sys.ibm.pc)
	wet@lcuxlm.UUCP quotes pegasus@hansen (Tony Hansen) as saying
>I've been using Microsoft C with a fair amount of success. It implements a
>lot of the System V library routines. Also, Guidelines C++ will work with it.
Ooops! What do I see here dangling before my eyes?!

I'm a fan of C++ ever since I read the book by the unpronouncable author (:->).
Until now, the only way to get it onto an IBM PC seemed to be to buy the stuff
from AT&T and port it myself. They are asking $2K (I'm not a university, just
an interested user), which is FAR too much to consider for a private purchase.

SOOOO: Does anybody on the net know of C++ implementations that I can run
on my lowly XT clone under MS-DOS?! What is "Guidelines C++", and is it
reasonable (in both price and performance)? Any help is appreciated.

P.S. (for ...ibm.pc readers):
      If you don't know of C++, repent and get to know it. If you like C,
      you'll LOVE C++. If you think C is not so hot, you may find C++ to
      be some relief.
  <<  Perry The Cynic >>		   =>> perry@inteloa.intel.com <<=
   (Peter Kiehtreiber)				...!verdix!omepd!inteloa!perry

tr@thumper.UUCP (tom reingold) (04/15/87)

In article <569@omepd>, perry@omepd.UUCP writes:
> [...]
> SOOOO: Does anybody on the net know of C++ implementations that I can run
> on my lowly XT clone under MS-DOS?! What is "Guidelines C++", and is it
> reasonable (in both price and performance)? Any help is appreciated.
> [...]
>   <<  Perry The Cynic >>		   =>> perry@inteloa.intel.com <<=

I got a letter from Lattice in Illinois saying that they sell a C++
compiler.  (Or is it merely a pre-pre-processor?)  I threw it out
so I can't give you any more info so call up Lattice.  Last I knew,
they could be reached at:

	Lattice, Inc.
	22W600 Butterfield Rd
	Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

I suspect you can get their phone number by calling (312) 555-1212 and
giving them the above address.

Tom Reingold
INTERNET:       tr@bellcore.com
UUCP: 		..!decvax!ucbvax!ulysses!bellcore!tr

marshall@ucbarpa.Berkeley.EDU (Marshall Spight) (04/16/87)

In article <569@omepd> perry@inteloa.intel.com (Perry The Cynic) writes:
>SOOOO: Does anybody on the net know of C++ implementations that I can run
>on my lowly XT clone under MS-DOS?! What is "Guidelines C++", and is it
>reasonable (in both price and performance)? Any help is appreciated.

Guidelines Software has a version of C++ than runs under MS-DOS.  It is
$195 and comes with a copy of the AT&T release notes and the book by Bjarne
Stroustrup.  Here is the address:

Guidelines Software
P.O. Box 749
Orinda, CA  94563
(415) 254-9393

It is advertised in Computer Language Magazine and Dr. Dobbs Journal.

It requires 640K of RAM and a hard disk, and you need to have MicroSoft C
version 3.0 or 4.0.

You can try it for 30 days, and return it for a full refund if you are not

Is it good?  HELL YES!  And at $195 you can't beat it!

(I *am* affiliated with Guidelines Software.  I am one of the two founders :-)

				Marshall Spight
				Head Honcho, Guidelines Software


dc@sdd.UUCP (04/17/87)

	Advantage C++ on MS-DOS is available from Lifeboat Associates.
C++ on other operating systems (various UNIX, and others) will
soon be available from us...

								Daniel Corbett