[comp.lang.c++] C++ 1.2.1 doesn't flag typedefs inside classes

donn@utah-cs.UUCP (Donn Seeley) (04/29/87)

The C++ 1.2.1 translator finds no errors in the following fragment, but
it omits the typedef in the C source output and the C compiler chokes:

struct x {
	typedef char *charptr;
	charptr cp;

This is of course illegal syntax for both C++ and C, but our C compiler
flags this error and C++ 1.2.1 does not.

Is there any stylistic or operational reason why typedefs shouldn't
be permitted in member lists?  It seems like an omission to me since
it's possible to declare typedef-names in other ways in member lists.
Section r.8.7 of the C++ book specifically rules out typedefs in member

Donn Seeley    University of Utah CS Dept    donn@cs.utah.edu
40 46' 6"N 111 50' 34"W    (801) 581-5668    utahiteite