[comp.lang.c++] C++ Implementation Query

rbk@sequent.UUCP (Bob Beck) (05/14/87)

I recently started reading the Bjarne Stroustrup C++ book, and am
interested in getting a copy I can run.  Can anyone recommend a good
C++ Implementation?  Public-domain is great; $$ isn't a problem (unless
it's LOTS of $$ ;-)  Comments on existing implementations, and other
"object-oriented" C languages are appreciated.

I need it to run on a Sequent Balance machine (4.2bsd based, ns32032
processors), and would like it to be portable to other instruction sets
running the same operating system (Sequent's DYNIX).

Thanks in advance for all responses.  If there's enough interest, I'll
post the responses to the net.

					Bob Beck
					Sequent Computer Systems