[comp.lang.c++] Does anyone market C++ for the AT&T UNIX PC

krohn@u1100a.UUCP (05/28/87)

Yes, I know for a mere $2,000 AT&T will hand me a mag tape with C++
source which I can figure out how to load onto my UNIX PC at home.
But I don't have a mag tape drive nor $2,000 to blow on software!
So, is anyone out marketing a C++ specifically for the 7300 (or
Convergent's S/50, I believe)?
Eric J. Krohn
krohn@ctt.ctt.bellcore.com  or  {allegra,bellcore,ihnp4,seismo}!u1100a!krohn
Bell Communications Research,	444 Hoes Ln,    Piscataway, NJ 08854
Eric J. Krohn
krohn@ctt.ctt.bellcore.com  or  {allegra,bellcore,ihnp4,seismo}!u1100a!krohn
Bell Communications Research,	444 Hoes Ln,    Piscataway, NJ 08854