[comp.lang.c++] Need info on source vs. binary, C++ vs. Objective C, and debugging

sawtelle@well.UUCP (06/04/87)

I would like to hear from people on some C++ issues. My machine environment
is a network of Sun 3's; the development initially targets Sun 3's, later
some proprietary hardware as well.

Should a small (5-20) group purchase a source license from AT&T, or binary
licenses from a third party? What is the extent of the porting and support
required for the AT&T source route? Who are the likely third party vendors
for binary licenses? Is the support they provide significant, and reliable?

I am also interested in hearing from anyone who's done formal or informal
comparatisons of C++ and Objective C.

Finally, I would like to hear comments on debugging applications written in
C++.  I've heard rumors of a source-level debugger being developed inside
AT&T, and have heard that Oasis (they sell binaries) will have an extended
dbx and dbxtool out soon which supports source-level debugging at the C++
level rather than at the level of the C code produced by the C++

If any of these questions have already been beaten to death, I apologize. I
have not had access to the net recently.

Reply directly to me, and I'll post a summary. Thanks!

- Don Sawtelle
  avsd!sawtelle@ucbvax.berkeley.edu		(if you are an Arpa site)
  {your favorite path}!ucbvax!avsd!sawtelle	(if you are a UUCP site)