[comp.lang.c++] Idioms ...

mat@mtx5a.UUCP (m.terribile) (07/06/87)

I'm slowly building a workable C++ idiom.  Like other C programmers, I am
not having the easiet time of it (but it is fun!).

Question to C++ programmers out there:

Idioms surrounding the initialization of interesting tables?  In C, we
write explicitly initialized arrays of structs; is there a better, nicer,
more functional, more insightfult, or more C++ way of accomplishing this?

	from Mole End			Mark Terribile
		(scrape .. dig )	mtx5b!mat
					(Please mail to mtx5b!mat, NOT mtx5a!
						mat, or to mtx5a!mtx5b!mat)
					(mtx5b!mole-end!mat will also reach me)
    ,..      .,,       ,,,   ..,***_*.