dssg (08/26/82)
I too have a story line (and possibly title) to throw at you SF lovers; I have been trying to track down this one for about 12 years ... This boy grows up on a planet of farmer-types, but he is very different in both stature (inferior) and intelligence (superior). The result is that he learns fast and fights well. Shortly after his parents break the news to him that he arrived as a baby in a crashed lifeboat, a slaver ship raids the planet and takes him away. Eventually the slavers realise that this kid is far more suited to the arena than the mop room, so through various adventures he becomes a gladiator. He wins his freedom and decides to become a mercenary. More exciting adventures follow. All through the story he has been searching for his parents, and bit by bit he gleans information that his father is still alive. A planet of peace-loving people finds out that a band of pirates is planning to take over by force; the people recourse to hiring the hero and his group to protect them. After much battle he finds that the leader of the pirates is in fact his father (surprise surprise). Well that's all I can remember, and by no means do I guarantee that all the details are right, but the story really impressed me and I'd like to see if it was all that popular an authour/book. Some pseudo-facts: the title of the book was "Starbrat" (of this I am almost positive); the father's name was Corey (but maybe it was the hero's); and I seem to remember six-armed Ixian (Nixian?) knife-throwers. Any further info re authour, publisher, how to get it from here, etc. would be much appreciated; happy memory dredging! Mark Ingram (CCNG Distributed Systems, U of Waterloo)