[comp.lang.c++] Semantics of Object-Oriented Programming Languages

sc@vlsi.cs.cmu.edu (Siddhartha Chatterjee) (07/20/87)

These are the references I got in response to my post regarding semantics
of object-oriented languages.  Thanks to all those who responded.

(1) Robert W. Scheifler, ``A denotational semantics of CLU'', MIT/LCS/TR-201.

(2) McAllister & Zabih, ``Boolean Classes'', Proc. ACM OOPSLA 1986.

(3) David Maier, ``A logic for objects'', Oregon Graduate Center TR 

(4) Cardelli, ``A semantics of multiple inheritance'', in Springer-Verlag
    Lecture Notes on Computer Science 173, 1984.

(5) Wolezko, Paper on formal semantics of Smalltalk in European Conference on
    object-oriented Programming, Paris, 1987.

(6) Kamin, Paper on denotational semantics of Smalltalk, submitted to POPL.

(7) Cardelli & Wegner, ``On Understanding Types, Data Abstractions, and 
    Polymorphism'', AACM Computing Surveys, 17(4) Dec. 1985.

ARPA:	Siddhartha.Chatterjee@vlsi.cs.cmu.edu
UUCP:	{seismo,decvax,allegra}!rochester!cmu-cs-pt!cmu-cs-vlsi!sc