[comp.lang.c++] where can I find some C++ code to read?

gamiddleton@orchid.UUCP (08/06/87)

"The only way to learn a new programmin language is by writing programs in
it.", but it would also be nice if I had some C++ code to read, and I
don't.  Does anybody know where I can find some?

 -Guy Middleton, University of Waterloo Institute for Computer Research
  gamiddleton@math.waterloo.edu, watmath!gamiddleton, gamiddleton@water.bitnet

jmc@ptsfa.UUCP (Jerry Carlin) (08/07/87)

In article <10116@orchid.waterloo.edu> gamiddleton@orchid.waterloo.edu (Guy Middleton) writes:
>...but it would also be nice if I had some C++ code to read
>...  Does anybody know where I can find some?

For a short program see: ACM SIGPLAN Notices V22 #6 June, 1987 pg59.
Author is Dr. Richard Wiener, Department of Comp. Sci., Univ. of Colorado,
Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80907.

"Early" next year, a new book "Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
and C++" by Wiener and Pinson will be published by Addison-Wesley.
Dr. Wiener said it would contain many case studies. I hope "early" is

voice: (415) 823-2441	uucp: {ihnp4,lll-crg,ames,qantel,pyramid}!ptsfa!jmc
Where am I? In the village. Whose side are you on? That would be telling.