[comp.lang.c++] objective-c books

csrdi@its63b.ed.ac.uk (Rick Innis, CS4) (09/16/87)

In article <3405@ece-csc.UUCP> in comp.lang.misc greer@ecehendrix.UUCP
(Rusty Greer) writes:
>Does anyone know of any good books about objective-c?
>If so, please mail me the author and/or title.
Me too!!

Also (the 'other things' I was talking about)....

I'm doing my final-year undergrad project on object-oriented languages. 
The project falls into three basic sections:

1) An examination on the basic concept of object-orientation: what it
is, what it isn't, and what languages support what features to justify
their claims to being object-oriented.

2) The syntactic and semantic specification of an object-oriented language.

3) Implementing the above.

To help with stage 1, I'd like to be able to examine as many
object-oriented langaues as possible. What I'm therefore looking for is
PD or reasonably cheap sources for O-O langauges to run on either Sun-3s
or Macintoshes. I'm willing to consider porting things as long as the
overheads aren't going to be too great. Can anyone on the net offer any
advice, support or recommendations?

In particular I'm looking for Smalltalk; we've rejected the Xerox
distribution because of the licencing costs. I've already culled one
article off the net about porting the Berkeley version; anyone else have
any experience in that? I'd also like C++, and may well end up porting
that myself, but I've been told that Objective-C is a better language -
any versions available?

All this is not to say that I'm not interested in any other langaues
that support object-oriented features; as long as they're affordable and
reasonably easy to implement I'm interested.

At this stage, the best thing to do is probably to e-mail me; I'll
summarize to the net if there's sufficient interest.

If anyone is interested in what comes out of any of this, let me know
and I'll keep you informed (if I can).


UUCP: csrdi@its63b.uucp (or ....!seismo!mcvax!ukc!its63b!csrdi, for
those still in the stone age :-) )

JANET: csrdi@uk.ac.edinburgh.its63b

BITNET: csrdi@uk.ac.edinburgh.its63b@earn

ARPA: csrdi@uk.ac.edinburgh.its63b@ucl-cs - if this bounces, as it
might (ucl are cracking down) try relaying via uucp or bitnet.

jmc@ptsfa.UUCP (Jerry Carlin) (09/19/87)

Object Oriented Programming by Brad J. Cox published by Addison-Wesley
is the only objective-C book I know of. Get the version that was
"reprinted with corrections August, 1986".

voice: (415) 823-2441	uucp: {ihnp4,lll-crg,ames,qantel,pyramid}!ptsfa!jmc
Where am I? In the village. Whose side are you on? That would be telling.