[comp.lang.c++] External Data Representation

gra@mrmarx.UUCP (Gary Adams) (09/23/87)

I just started to build my first class derived from the basic 
streambuf ("stream.h") that would provide the XDR (NFS data exchange)
protocol functions in a stream oriented fashion. It looks fairly straight
forward to do, so I thought I would check with the net to see if it has 
already been done before . Any hidden gotchas to avoid ?

There are a few things that appear to be "text" file restrictive in the
istream and ostream classes that make it necessary to build on the streambuf
definition directly. Ultimately I would like to be able to construct a variety
of "record streams" that are both machine and transport independent that
could be used for server-client communication (e.g. X like) over ethernet, 
decnet, message queues, LU 6.2, etc.

Thanks in Advance.
Gary R. Adams			{masscomp,alliant}!mrmarx!gra
Decision Software Company	
51 Spinelli Place		- ski the trees ! - 8:-<>>  -
Cambridge, MA 02138		"They'll be no tribble at all."