[net.sf-lovers] Hitchhikeers guide in Chicago

cjy (09/01/82)

	With all of the recent flap about the PBS series Hitchhiker's
Guide to the Galaxy, I wanted to find out if we in the Chicagoland
area are to see it on WTTW.  I called their programming department
and learned that they are planning to air it sometime around the
end of October.  While talking to them, I also learned that future pro-
grams are aired on a request basis.  To be specific, if you want to be
sure of seeing HHGTTG, call them and request it.  All you sf-lovers out
there that are interested, please invest a couple of units and call WTTWs
programming department at (312) 583 5000.  The more people that call, the
more certain that its eventual appearance becomes.

				Chuck Young  ..........ihps3!ihuxi!cjy