[comp.lang.c++] C++ compiler problems

webb@webb.UUCP (09/23/87)

  We are running C++ 1.2.1.  I am trying to compile OOPSLIB (a library of 
Smalltalk objects for C++, distributed by Keith E. Gorlen of The National 
Institutes of Health).  I first have problems with the compiler complaining
that it cannot tell an int from an unsigned int with the following code:

overload MAX;
inline int      MAX(int a,int b)        { return a >= b ? a : b; }
inline long     MAX(long a,long b)      { return a >= b ? a : b; }
inline float    MAX(float a,float b)    { return a >= b ? a : b; }
inline double   MAX(double a,double b)  { return a >= b ? a : b; }
inline unsigned int   MAX(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)     { return a >= b ? a : b; }

When I comment out the last line that problem goes away, the compilation
proceeds further, and I get the following error:

"Arraychar.c", line 78: error:  name _reader of type type name cannot be overloaded
"Arraychar.c", line 78: error: bad base type: void Arraychar 

The offending line (#78) is:


and DEFINE_CLASS is #define'd as:

#define DEFINE_CLASS(classname,basename,version,initor1,initor2)\
overload classname\
static void classname\
_reader(istream& strm, Object& where) { new classname(strm,*(classname*)&where)\; }\
static void classname\
_reader(fileDescTy& fd, Object& where) { new classname(fd,*(classname*)&where);\ }\
Class class_\ 
classname = Class( class_\
basename, "\
", version, sizeof(classname),classname\
_reader, classname\
_reader, initor1, initor2);\
const Class* classname::isA()   { return &class_\
classname; }

I am not a C++ wizard, (I only dabble) but I need to get this package running.
Anyone out there have any ideas?  Anyone been able to get this package to

Thanks for any help you can provide.

				Peter Webb.

{raybed2|spar|ulowell|sun}!applicon!webb, webb@applicon.com

keith@nih-csl.UUCP (keith gorlen) (09/29/87)

In article <31900003@webb>, webb@webb.applicon.UUCP writes:
>   We are running C++ 1.2.1.  I am trying to compile OOPSLIB (a library of 
> Smalltalk objects for C++, distributed by Keith E. Gorlen of The National 
> Institutes of Health).  I first have problems with the compiler complaining
> that it cannot tell an int from an unsigned int with the following code:
> overload MAX;
> ...
> inline unsigned int   MAX(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)     { return a >= b ? a : b; }

Can't duplicate this one.  The error message sounds suspiciously like
it is coming from a pre-1.2 version of C++.  You don't mention what
machine your using.  A work-around is to delete all the overloaded
inlines for ABS, MAX, MIN, etc. and substitute #defines like:

#define MAX(a,b)	( (a) >= (b) ? (a) : (b) )

> When I comment out the last line that problem goes away, the compilation
> proceeds further, and I get the following error:
> "Arraychar.c", line 78: error:  name _reader of type type name cannot be overloaded
> "Arraychar.c", line 78: error: bad base type: void Arraychar 

The file Object.h says the following:

    The DEFINE_CLASS preprocessor macro composes names by concatenating
    the "classname" argument with other character strings.  This is done
    by separating the two with \-newline.  If this doesn't work on your C
    preprocessor, try using an empty comment as a separator.  If you use
    this technique, you may have to modify the CC script so that it
    doesn't use the -C option with the C preprocessor.

I think this is what is going wrong in your case.  The file DEFCLASS.h
contains a version of the DEFINE_CLASS macro that uses empty comments.
Edit Object.h to substitute this version of DEFINE_CLASS.

[Note -- I think this problem gets fixed in ANSI C.]-- 
	Keith Gorlen			phone: (301) 496-5363
	Building 12A, Room 2017		uucp: uunet!mimsy!elsie!nih-csl!keith
	National Institutes of Health
	Bethesda, MD 20892