[comp.lang.c++] C++ compiler bug?

kenny@uiucdcsb.UUCP (10/01/87)

HELP!  I'm at wit's end with the following problem; I can't even find
a workaround (it seems that any way I spell it, the problem stays).

Consider the following (highly stripped-down) program:
1	#include <stream.h>
3	struct alpha {
4	  alpha () { }
5	  operator double () { return 0.0; }
6	};
7	istream & operator >> (istream &, alpha &);
9	struct beta {
10	};
12	class gamma : public beta {
13	public:
14	  void gamma_entry (alpha &, beta &);
15	};
17	main () {
18	  alpha a;
19	  beta b;
20	  gamma g;
21	  g.gamma_entry (a, b);
22	  cin >> a;
23	  g.gamma_entry (a, b);
24	}

An attempt to compile, on either 1.1 or 1.2, results in:
%CC -c bug.c
CC  bug.c:
"bug.c", line 23: error: ambiguous operand types void gamma::(alpha &, beta &)  beta  for function call
"bug.c", line 24: warning:  g used but not set
1 error

Removing either the ``cin >> a'' at line 22 or the ``operator double''
declaration at line 5 seems to get rid of the problem.

What's the compiler complaining about, and how can I get around it?
I can't even make sense of the error message!

Kevin Kenny			UUCP: {ihnp4,pur-ee,convex}!uiucdcs!kenny
Department of Computer Science	ARPA: kenny@B.CS.UIUC.EDU (kenny@UIUC.ARPA)
University of Illinois		CSNET: kenny@UIUC.CSNET
1304 W. Springfield Ave.
Urbana, Illinois, 61801		Voice: (217) 333-8740