[comp.lang.c++] Objective-C versus C++

cox@atlas.UUCP (Brad Cox) (10/02/87)

This is a (long!) reply from Brad Cox, the originator of Objective-C, in 
response to

>> csrdi@its63b.ed.ac.uk (Rick Innis, CS4)
>>... I'd also like C++ and may well end up porting that myself, but I've
>> been told that Objective-C is a better language....
> Doug Moen (U Waterloo CGL) replies
> Strange...My understanding is that C++ is a better language.
> ...
> I'd be interested in seeing the opinions of people who have had
> non-trivial experience with both languages

C++ is an ambitious programming language. Objective-C is the language component
of an ambitious programming environment. The two languages have remarkably little
in common except that some of their implementations invoke the native C compiler