[comp.lang.c++] Why don't we...

day@grand.UUCP (Dave Yost) (10/14/87)

In article <7330@alice.UUCP> bs@alice.UUCP (our leader) writes:
> Why don't we ...
> Why don't we ...
> It is no exageration to say that I hear every one of these every week.
> There are of course more such questions.

What a gem.
I know all of the "why don't we" questions
I have put to Bjarne were on the list.

I've just started rereading the C++ book.
Right at the beginning is a little section
called "Notes to the Reader" which went
right past me the first time through.

Perhaps it should start like this:

    NOTE:  Please reread the following notes
	   again after you finish this book, when
	   they will have more meaning for you.

 --dave yost