[comp.lang.c++] another bug?

gjditchfield@violet.UUCP (10/19/87)

I think this is a bug, but it may be that I don't understand the
interaction of inheritance and operators.
class base {
	int i;
	base() {i = 10;};
	int operator=( int ip) { int t = i; i = ip; return t;};

class derived: public base {
	float f;
	derived():() {};

#include <stream.h>
main () {
	base b;
	derived d;
	cout << ( b=(5) );
	cout << b.operator=(4);

	cout << d.operator=(15);
	cout << ( d=(16) );		// line 22
ccc  dervEq.cc:
"dervEq.cc", line 22: error: assignment not defined for class derived
"dervEq.cc", line 22: error:  pointer operand for  <<

If "a = b" and "a.operator=(b)" are equivalent (lines 18, 19), and if
derived did inherited "operator=" (line 21), why doesn't line 22 work?

Oh, yes: C++ version 1.2.1, BSD 4.3 on a vax.  The same for my previous
posting, "Bug?"
Glen Ditchfield                      {watmath,utzoo,ihnp4}!watrose!gjditchfield
Dept of Computer Science, U of Waterloo         (519) 885-1211 x6658
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada			   Office: MC 2006
If you grab the bull by the horns, you at least confuse him -- R.A.Heinlein