[comp.lang.c++] Porting to Sun

west@calgary.UUCP (Darrin West) (10/29/87)

I have been given the dubious honour of porting our vax version 1.1
C++ translator to the suns.  We run BSD4.3 on the Vaxes and BSD4.2
on the Suns.  Has anyone out there done this port before?  If so
are there any hints you would be willing to share with me (or the

I have run into one problem.  After bootstrapping on the sun (by
compiling the stuff in the scratch directory), I go on to
compile the libraries (I have not converted the tasking stuff; if
you have, I would gladly arrange to get a copy),
munch, and cfront.  The libraries and munch seemed to work
just fine.  All the files of cfront also compiled, except main.c.

It died on line 457? (anyway, it is the last line of the funcion
"main" ie the close bracket for the function), giving the obnoxious
error "internal error <...> error: bus error (or something natsy like that)"
Have you seen this before?

Anyway, I ftp'ed a copy of the output of "CC -F main.c" run on the
vax, and cc'ed it on the sun.  This allowed me to get the new and
improved cfront, but when I went to run CC main.c again, it gave the
same error.  Any hints you have would be appreciated.  I hope it is
something obvious that I will be embarassed about later. :-/

Darrin West, Master's Unit (read: student).	..![ubc-vision,ihnp4]!
Department of Computer Science			alberta!calgary!west
University of Calgary.				Can you say '88 Winter Games?
Brain fault (cortex dumped)