[comp.lang.c++] Hiding things

mikem@otc.oz (Mike Mowbray) (11/08/87)

In article <4800003@uiucdcsm>, bradley@uiucdcsm.cs.uiuc.edu says:

> Ideally the near and far pointer definitions would be hidden in a couple
> of classes, but the problem of how to define those classes still remains.

You might try writing the implementations of the critical member functions
in C. I did this once. You simply look at what cfront would produce (in
terms of the C names) and manually write the bodies. First write the
members in C++ without the special near and far stuff, then CC with the +i
option to get the ..c files. Then use these as a basis for manually writing
the C versions with near and far. This all requires some perseverance
initially but once you've looked at a couple of ..c files you soon get the
idea. Having done this once or twice, the first step of writing a C++ fake
version can be done away with.

This method obviously requires that you play silly-buggers with make files.

			Mike Mowbray
		    Systems Development
			|||| OTC ||

		    ACSnet:  mikem@otc.oz
		      UUCP:  {uunet,mcvax}!otc.oz!mikem 
		     Phone:  (02) 287-4104
		     Snail:  GPO Box 7000, Sydney 2001, Australia