[comp.lang.c++] Graphics Primitives Wanted

small@stratix.UUCP (small) (11/11/87)

I am currently using a distributed (homebrew) smalltalk system that
runs non-graphics on unix and graphics on an IBM-PC under Microsoft
Windows.  I am anxious to replace the MS-Windows part with a direct
EGA program that supports BitBlt and has a font or two.  Anyone who
can give me EGA assembler source for BitBlt and it's relatives would
be a friend for life. 

I am also interested in any detailed information on the EGA card. If
I get enough I will summarize (to comp.sys.ibm.pc only!)

Thank you all.

Mark Mullin @ Stratix Inc
uunet!stratix!small		(the smalltalk dev't acct mgra