[comp.lang.c++] USENIX C++ Workshop

xwu@pollux.usc.edu (Xinhua Wu) (11/11/87)

How can I buy a copy of the proceeding (of the USENIX C++ Workshop)?

Xinhua Wu				arpa:  xwu@usc-cse.USC.EDU
Computer Science Dept.			csnet: xwu@usc-cse
Univ. of Southern California		uucp:  xwu@uscvax.UUCP  or
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0782	               ...!sdcrdcf!uscvax!xwu

peter@usenix.UUCP (Peter Salus) (11/12/87)

In article <5116@oberon.USC.EDU>, xwu@pollux.usc.edu (Xinhua Wu) writes:
> How can I buy a copy of the proceeding (of the USENIX C++ Workshop)?
> Xinhua Wu				arpa:  xwu@usc-cse.USC.EDU
> Computer Science Dept.			csnet: xwu@usc-cse
> Univ. of Southern California		uucp:  xwu@uscvax.UUCP  or
> Los Angeles, CA 90089-0782	               ...!sdcrdcf!uscvax!xwu
> (213)743-2522

There have been several inquiries about the proceedings.  
Right now they are in limbo, as the due date for papers 
is at the beginning of December.  Right now, my guess 
is that the volume will not appear before the first 
week of January.  As I don't know how big it will be, 
I cannot estimate the cost yet.

Attendees will, as usual, receive a copy gratis by 
US mail.  Ordering information will appear in the 
January/February login.  The Proceedings will be on 
sale at the Dallas Technical Conference in February.

Peter H. Salus
Executive Director