[comp.lang.c++] USENIX C++ Workshop wrap-up

day@grand.UUCP (Dave Yost) (11/13/87)

The USENIX C++ Workshop that just took place was a
great success.  There were lots of interesting talks,
interesting discussion, good parties, and a definite
feeling that we were participating in an event at the
beginning of a new wave.  And Santa Fe was beautiful.

The place was boiling over with 212 attendees.  Most
were bubbling, though some came just to check out C++
and see what the big deal is.

A C++ Conference Next Year?

    Here is what I am currently considering proposing:
    A full conference and workshop for next fall
    consisting of:
	Tu-We tutorials
	Th-Fr conference
	Sa    workshop for speakers invited participants
    Please let me know what you think.


    Going beyond our original plan to publish a proceedings
    of the Workshop, we have decided instead to print a
    collection of papers to be called "Topics on C++" or
    some such, to include papers from the Workshop plus
    whatever other papers on C++ we can get our hands on,
    including ones that have appeared elsewhere.  The idea
    is to provide a one-stop-shopping collection of papers
    on C++ to date.  This book will no doubt get quite
    wide circulation.

    If you have something you would like to contribute to
    this book, please contact me ASAP.  The deadline is
    December 7.

C++ Software Tape

    Several speakers at the Workshop had some C++ software
    available for free.  USENIX will be putting together a
    tape of these things plus whatever anyone else wants to
    contribute.  We must receive a tape and paper copies of
    all documentation by 12:00PM PST Tuesday, January 5, 1988.
    If you have something to contribute, please contact:
	Peter Salus

C++ Workshop T-Shirts

    I made some T-shirts for the Workshop, which were
    all snapped up, leaving many people wanting.  We
    might make some more.  The shirts are beige with
    light blue lettering, 100% cotton.  On the front,
    in Helvetica bold type, they say:
		     sponsored by
		The USENIX Association
		 Santa Fe, New Mexico
		 November 9 & 10, 1987
    On the back is a circular logo thingy designed
    and PostScript-programmed by Jonathan Shopiro of
    Bell Labs which says:
		     Reusable Code
		  Better Programs Now

    If you would pay $8.00 to have one mailed to you,
    send me email.  If I get enough interest, we will
    do a reprint.

Dave Yost
USENIX Board Member