[comp.lang.c++] howcome

strick@stratus.UUCP (12/07/87)

In an attempt to build a C++ class that mimics a pointer but that
does some invisible magic (sanity checks, offsets from a segment base, etc.)
I tried defining an arbitrary class

	struct Thing {
		int runs, hits, errors;

and then a class to act as a pointer to a Thing

	class ThingRef { 

which includes a member

		Thing&    operator *();

and, as expected, I was able to use "*" to dereference
ThingRefs into Things, but I was suprised that I cannot use "->" to 
dereference them.

That is, this works:

	ThingRef r;

	....    (*r).runs   .... 

but this does not work:

	ThingRef r;

	....     r->runs   ....

Is there some way that escapes me of making this work?  I also
experimented with a conversion operator "ThingRef::operator Thing()"
but was unable to find a way to make "->" work without explicit

The Book gives examples of how to define classes to mimic
integers (6.3.2), arrays (6.7), and functions (6.8), but
I cannot find an example of mimicking a pointer.

I think I have the jist the rational behind most of C++, but I cannot
see what would break or be inconstant if (x->y) were defined to be
((*x).y).    It would seem to round off one of the few rough edges.

Any help, explanations, comments?   Thanks,  strick

 --  henry strickland                        <strick@gatech.edu>  or
  --  the clouds project                            ihnp4!gatech!strick
   --   computer science / georgia tech
    --    atlanta ga 30332