[comp.lang.c++] Bitmap constants in C code

kdmoen@watcgl.waterloo.edu (Doug Moen) (12/12/87)

george@hyper.lap.upenn.edu (George Zipperlen) writes:
>static unsigned short CursorPattern[16] = { 
>    0xff00,     /*  1111111100000000,  */
>    0x8200,     /*  1000001000000000,  */
>    0x8400,     /*  1000010000000000,  */
>    0x8200,     /*  1000001000000000,  */
>    0x8100,     /*  1000000100000000,  */
>    0xa080,     /*  1010000010000000,  */
>    0xd040,     /*  1101000001000000,  */
>    0x8880,     /*  1000100010000000,  */
>    0x0500,     /*  0000010100000000,  */
>    0x0200,     /*  0000001000000000,  */

>What I would like to be able to do is to declare binary constants in some
>form like (just a suggestion):
>    0b#01000100 

George wants to type in the bitmap pattern directly, without being forced
to translate it into octal or hexadecimal.

Here is a way to do this in ANSI C (no language extensions necessary):

#define A +128
#define B +64
#define C +32
#define D +16
#define E +8
#define F +4
#define G +2
#define H +1
#define _

static unsigned char CursorPattern[32] = {
	A B C D E F G H,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
	A _ _ _ _ _ G _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
	A _ _ _ _ F _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
	A _ _ _ _ _ G _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
	A _ _ _ _ _ _ H,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
	A _ C _ _ _ _ _,A _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
	A B _ D _ _ _ _,_ B _ _ _ _ _ _,
	A _ _ _ E _ _ _,A _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
	_ _ _ _ _ F _ H,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
	_ _ _ _ _ _ G _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,

Personally, I find this easier to read than binary integer literals,
although its slightly more painful to type in.

Note that the macros given above make use of unary +.
It should not be difficult to come up with a similar set of
macros that work in "real" (pre-ansi) C.
Doug Moen
University of Waterloo Computer Graphics Lab
UUCP:     {ihnp4,watmath}!watcgl!kdmoen
INTERNET: kdmoen@cgl.waterloo.edu