[comp.lang.c++] Bug

kanner@apple.UUCP (Herbert Kanner) (07/01/87)

Can anyone shed light on the following:

The file dcl1.c contains the following four lines.

int thing1(int *());
int thing2(int, int *());
int thing3(int (*)());
int thing4(int, int (*)());

The result of a C++ compilation is below:
CC  dcl1.c:
"dcl1.c", line 1: error: syntax error
"dcl1.c", line 2: error: syntax error
"dcl1.c", line 3: error: syntax error
"dcl1.c", line 3: error: syntax error
"dcl1.c", line 3: error: syntax error
5 errors

The one I really want is thing3.  I want to declare a function whose
parameter is a pointer to a function returning an int.  The other
three lines were exploratory, trying to isolate the apparent bug.  It
is interesting that the compiler accepts thing4 but not thing3.
Herb Kanner
Apple Computer, Inc.
{idi, ios, nsc}!apple!kanner

pabuhr@water.UUCP (09/29/87)

It took me 4 hours to locate this problem in a large program.
If you look at the C++ code generated for the inline procedure
`identity', you will notice that it has been optimized into the
same single constant! I need a drink.

class test {
	inline int identity(test *);

inline int test::identity(test *h) {
	if (this != h) {
	} else {

main() {
	test a, b;


================================= C++ output
cd /u/pabuhr/sm/string/
ccc -F test.cc
#line 1 "test.cc"

/* <<cfront 1.2.1 2/16/87>> */
/* < test.cc */
char *_new(); char _delete(); char *_vec_new(); char _vec_delete();

#line 1 "test.cc"

#line 8 "test.cc"
struct test {	/* sizeof test == 1 */
char _dummy; };

#line 13 "test.cc"

#line 21 "test.cc"
int main (){ _main(); { 
#line 22 "test.cc"
struct test _au1_a ;

#line 22 "test.cc"
struct test _au1_b ;

#line 24 "test.cc"
( (1 )) ;            <=== where's the beef ???
( (1 )) ;            <=== where's the beef ???

/* the end */

Compilation finished at Mon Sep 28 21:53:05

bs@alice.UUCP (10/01/87)

# From cbosgd!water.UUCP!pabuhr Mon Sep 28 22:05:29 1987
# Organization: U. of Waterloo, Ontario
# /*
# It took me 4 hours to locate this problem in a large program.
# If you look at the C++ code generated for the inline procedure
# `identity', you will notice that it has been optimized into the
# same single constant! I need a drink.

	I guess I owe you one. Sorry. Thank you for finding that one.
	Have a look at my test::id() function.
	It doesn't trigger that bug.
# */
# class test {
#    public:
# 	inline int identity(test *);
 	int id(test *h) { return this==h; }
# };
# inline int test::identity(test *h) {
# 	if (this != h) {
# 		return(0);
# 	} else {
# 		return(1);
# 	}
# };
# main() {
# 	test a, b;
# 	a.identity(&a);
# 	a.identity(&b);

# }

You can fix that bug by going into expr::eval() in expr2.c and
adding one statement:

	int i1 = (e1) ? e1->eval() : 0;				// after
	int i2 = (e2) ? e2->eval() : 0;				// this

	if (binary_val && i1==9999 && i2==9999) {		// add this
		Neval = "";					// add this
		return 1;					// add this
	}							// add this

amit@cybvax0.UUCP (Amit Green) (01/03/88)

	double x (a, b, c, d)
	long a;
	double b, c;
	char d;
	{ return a + b + c + d;		//  Avoid "not used" error message

Produces the following code (shortened & comment added):
	"", line 1: warning: old style definition of x()

	/* <<cfront 1.2.1 2/16/87>> */
	double x (_au0_a , _au0_b , _au0_c , _au0_d )
	long _au0_a ;
	double _au0_b ;
	int _au0_c ;		//  <=  This line is wrong, should be a double
	char _au0_d ;
	{ return (((_au0_a + _au0_b )+ _au0_c )+ _au0_d );

	The declaration of 'c' as a double is lost (and it defaults to
	an int).  In fact the following may be presented to the compiler:

	double x (a, b, c, d)
	long a;
	double b, c;
	char d;
	short c;	//  Redeclare 'c' as the declaration above was lost
	{ return a + b + c + d;		//  Avoid "not used" error message

	gram.y (from cfront 1.2.1) has a bug:
	line 1: /*ident	"@(#)cfront:src/gram.y	1.10" */
	line 1225:                error("FD inAL (%n)",$<pn>2);
	line 1226:	       else if ($1)
	line 1227:		  $<nl>1->add($<pn>2);

	The statement should be '$<nl>1->add_list($<pn>2)' since '$<pn>2'
	may be list, as it is in the declaration 'double b, c'.

	The problem exist only when '$<nl>1' is already a list (as it is
	from the declaration 'long a'), and is then appended to
	again (as it is in the declaration 'char d').

Final Comment:
	This bug may have been mentioned before, I am not sure.  I have
	printed out all the previous message since comp.lang.c++ started
	(even from when it was called net.lang.c++), and am still in
	the process of reading them; if this is a repeat, sorry.

				Amit Green