[comp.lang.c++] Operator overloading harmful

steve@vsi1.UUCP (Steve Maurer) (01/12/88)

In article <7607@alice.UUCP> bs@alice.UUCP writes:
>Steve Maurer from Vicom Systems Inc. San Jose, Cal. writes
> >     I have a bone to pick with operator overloading.    While
> > I must admit that it can be convienient at times, it suffers the
> > same problems that you get when dealing with someone who goes
> > crazy with #define's , or virtually anything written in Forth :
> > Essentially, every programmer becomes his own language designer,
> > and the whole thing gets totally unreadable.
> > 
> > Consider the following:
> > 
> >    foo(int i)
> >     {
> >     i #= i ^^ i @& i;
> >     }
> > 
> > what does it do??    You will never know unless you start digging
> > through miles of include/lib files.
>It certainly does look obscure! I cannot even begin to imagine what it
>might mean. I wonder which language it is supposed to be?
>		     `Obfuscated C' maybe?
>		>>>>>>> It is not C++ <<<<<<<

    I apologize for giving such a bad example, I had assumed that people
would recognize that '#=' and '^^' were being used for arbitrary members
of the restricted C++ operator set.    In fact, if C++ placed the
restriction that all overloaded operaters WERE NOT part of the standard
set, I would have little objection to it.    As so eloquently, and
verbosely pointed out on the net, such a construct is really nothing but
syntactic sugaring of the function call interface, as programmers can
easily recognize them for what they are.   ( Although precedence and
associtivity handling would be a bitch, I suppose you could get around
this by the addition of description keywords to apply to 'operator' - e.g.
left associativity for a user defined operator would be (in part):
friend X lassc operator$(X,X) )

    However, as currently implemented, I am not so sure.    Consider
my 'corrected' example:

    i = d[ a + b * c ];

    What does it do?   As the maintainer, I have to not only know the
classes of all the objects involved, but also the potentially baroque
series of code and rules about overloading, member/nonmember
functionality, and conversion operators.

    Although it is true that operators cannot be redefined for basic
types, I believe that this will not be helpful towards disambiguating
the code.  Because, in my experience, most C programmers (including
myself) who are in the middle of a large program, often forget or
misremember the class of a variable they are working with, and use
operators existing in the code to help disabiguate the situation.
C++ removes this cozy relationship, and will most probably cause major

    In addition, although I do find Mr Stroustrup's book quite well
written, the syntax and nonintuitive rules forced upon the language
designers to implement operator overloading, will most likely make the
correct programming of such operators quite difficult.   And the one
thing that I do not want to do is to find out that my C++ program, which
worked on machine A (with header file xyz included), does not work on
machine B (with header file zyx).

    So what to do?   (I intend this to be constructive criticism after
all).    Considering the small set of operator/class types which the
authors of C++ intended to simulate via this construct, is it not possible
to simply introduce (i.e. publish) a Standard set of them?    The stdio
library in C is a direct analogue, since neither case are the functions
directly implied by the language, yet both (I believe) are imperitive to
maintaining portability and sanity.

    This would also allow the authors to say in so many words:

"Operator Overloading is both complex and dangerous, proceed at your own risk"

    with some sense of believability.

						Steve Maurer

faustus@ic.Berkeley.EDU (Wayne A. Christopher) (01/13/88)

You just have to make sure that whenever you use operator
overloading, the operators do The Right Thing.  Don't use
`+' unless the operation you're doing is some form of addition
(matrix, complex, etc), and is the obvious way to add things
of the arguments' types.  It's a matter of common sense...


darin@apple.UUCP (Darin Adler) (01/14/88)

In article <250@vsi1.UUCP> steve@vsi1.UUCP (Steve Maurer) writes:
>     However, as currently implemented, I am not so sure.    Consider
> my 'corrected' example:
>     i = d[ a + b * c ];
>     What does it do?

The great advantage of operator overloading is that it allows the programmer
to *extend* the definition of the basic operators so that they work properly
with user-defined classes. If I define a class to handle english measurement

	length first, second;

(for example), I would much rather write

	length sum = first + second;


	length sum = add(first, second);

In both examples, however, C++ allows me to define the operation of adding
(either the operator "+" or the function "add") so that it will work properly
for each of my defined classes. Even better, C++ assures me that if I use the
operator or function in such a way that it is ambiguous or unimplemented (for
example, trying to add an int to a variable "length" class), the C++ pre-
processor (or compiler :-) will warn of such an ambiguous use.

Clearly, what you object to is not "operator overloading", but overloading in

When using overloading, there is a tradeoff. By writing a group of functions,
and referring to them by one name, we imply that they all do the equivalent
thing with their variously typed operands. I believe that when overloading,
one must be very careful not to define different meanings for the same
operator or function in different contexts.

Because of this, I strongly object to the use of the "<<" and ">>" operators
by the streams package in standard C++. Although I find it convenient, I think
it sets a poor precedent.
Darin Adler, Apple Computer                          AppleLink:Adler4
UUCP: {sun,voder,nsc,mtxinu,dual}!apple!darin  CSNET: darin@Apple.com

jima@hplsla.HP.COM (jim adcock ) (01/14/88)

>     i = d[ a + b * c ];
>     What does it do?

*** SIGH ***

Hopefully, what it does is assign i the value of the (a plus (b times c))'eth
element of d.  If not, it was probably written by a brain dead programmer.

Would you RATHER try to maintain a program consisting of thousands of lines
of the following type of code ???

I've certainly seen PLENTY of code of the above variety, simply because 
MOST languages have NO OTHER WAY to express math formulas on anything
more complicated than a floating point number.

WHICH code do YOU believe is more likely to have the BUG in it in the FIRST
place, the line of code using standard math symbols, or the line of code
consisting soley of "prose" descriptions?

WHICH code do YOU believe would be faster and easier to write?

C++ allows standard mathematical intuition with regards to mathematical
formulas to be applied to things more complicated than floating point
numbers -- complex numbers, vectors, matrices, sparse arrays, etc, etc.

-- I believe the goal of C++ is to allow GOOD programmers to write GOOD code --

In my experience, when you take inexperienced programmers, and put them
onto a good language, MOST tend to rise to the occasion, and write code
at the quality level that the language allows.  I believe most programmers
WANT to do a good job.  It's the butting you head against a language that 
doesn't ALLOW good programming that leads to the bad code, because then
programmers give up in frustration, and crank out any old style code.

In any case, it will be good code, written by good programmers, that will tend
to survive and propagate over the years, serving as example for future
C++ programmers.

Certainly, I share your fears that until a volume of C++ programs develop, 
such that the C++ community starts to form a natural consenses as to what
represents "good" C++ programming style, until then there ARE going to be some
pretty weird examples of people going off the deap end, using C++ features
in some pretty bizarre ways.  But I have no doubt that the C++ community
will recognize these efforts for the garbage that they truly are.

For me, a bigger concern than the people who might overload "+" to mean
"So Fred, wanna havva pizza for lunch" are the people who are blindly
trying to force C++ programming into a Smalltalk-like mold.  I am far 
from convinced that the Smalltalk-style of object oriented programming
truly represents the direction that the C++ community should head towards.

[[I won't even MENTION what I think about people who hack cfront !!!]]

"Fool-proof tools are only fit for use by fools"