[comp.lang.c++] C++ disadvantages?

cef@H.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (Charles Fineman) (12/24/87)

In the system I am writting I have found that I am duplicating a 
lot of effort in implmenting the same type of data strcuture for
different uses. I have been considering using C++ to write some
generic packages that I can use in my system. My question is what
price does one pay for using C++? In particular, what runtime support
is required by most modern C++ implementations? Any? If so, how can
I minimize this?

	Charles Fineman
	Carnegie-Mellon University
	cef@h.cs.cmu.edu (via seismo)

djsalomon@watdragon.waterloo.edu (Daniel J. Salomon) (01/14/88)

In article <567@PT.CS.CMU.EDU> cef@H.GP.CS.CMU.EDU (Charles Fineman) writes:
>                                          ... My question is what
>price does one pay for using C++? ...

We have found two principle disadvantages of using C++ over C.
1) The C++ features not present in C still have serious bugs.
2) Symbolic debuggers do not work well on C++ generated code.