[comp.lang.c++] N_TXTADDR and N_DATADDR

schung@cory.Berkeley.EDU (Stephen the Greatest) (01/29/88)

	I was recently trying to compile the GNU C++ (g++) and
	came up with some undefined functions (or macros?) in
	ld.c.  The two symbols:

	are not defined in <a.out.h>; only N_TXTOFF(x) etc. are
	defined.  I am not sure why they put it in there, but
	anybody who can shed light on this?

	Also, I successfully compiled g++, c++, gnulib+,
	crt0+.o, crt1+.o, cpp+, but NOT ld+.  However, the
	compiler seems to run without ld+ and gives an a.out
	file.  Seems that the ld process was spawned instead
	of ld+ when I looked at it in ps.  The a.out gave me
	a core dump.

					- Stephen

grr@cbmvax.UUCP (George Robbins) (01/29/88)

In article <415@pasteur.Berkeley.Edu> schung@cory.Berkeley.EDU (Stephen the Greatest) writes:
> 	I was recently trying to compile the GNU C++ (g++) and
> 	came up with some undefined functions (or macros?) in
> 	ld.c.  The two symbols:
> 		N_TXTADDR (x)
> 		N_DATADDR (x)

These defines are peculiar to the SunOS a.out.h header file.  Apparently
the Gnu loader development is being done on a Sun and at this pre-release
stage, porting to other systems is an excercise left to the reader.

George Robbins - now working for,	uucp: {uunet|ihnp4|rutgers}!cbmvax!grr
but no way officially representing	arpa: cbmvax!grr@uunet.uu.net
Commodore, Engineering Department	fone: 215-431-9255 (only by moonlite)