[comp.lang.c++] Opinions sought

les@trigraph.UUCP (Les Gondor) (01/19/88)

I would like to poll the local C++ user community as to their opinions
regarding C++ language as a development tool.  How easy is C++ to
use in developing a large (>10000 lines) program?  Do any special
problems appear when maintaining a large program written in C++?
In what sort of systems have you used C++ as the primary implementation
language and what prompted you to choose it?

I would appreciate any opinions, thoughts, raves and flames you could
send me (by e-mail, please).

Les Gondor, Trigraph Inc.	"Why not just do it by knife?"
{uunet!ai.toronto.edu!utcsri, decvax!utzoo}!trigraph!les
CSNET: lgondor@Toronto		ARPA: lgondor%Toronto@CSNET-RELAY
Les Gondor, Trigraph Inc.	"Why not just do it by knife?"
{uunet!ai.toronto.edu!utcsri, decvax!utzoo}!trigraph!les
CSNET: lgondor@Toronto		ARPA: lgondor%Toronto@CSNET-RELAY

les@trigraph.UUCP (Les Gondor) (01/22/88)

I tried a local posting, but that elicited no response, so I'll
ask everyone on the net:

I would like to poll the C++ user community as to their opinions
regarding C++ language as a development tool.  How easy is C++ to
use in developing a large (>10000 lines) program?  Do any special
problems appear when maintaining a large program written in C++?
In what sort of systems have you used C++ as the primary implementation
language and what prompted you to choose it?

I would appreciate any opinions, thoughts, raves and flames you could
send me (by e-mail, please).

Les Gondor, Trigraph Inc.	"Why not just do it by knife?"
{uunet!ai.toronto.edu!utcsri, decvax!utzoo}!trigraph!les
CSNET: lgondor@Toronto		ARPA: lgondor%Toronto@CSNET-RELAY

mikem@otc.oz (Mike Mowbray) (01/31/88)

In article <353@trigraph.UUCP>, les@trigraph.UUCP (Les Gondor) says:

 > How easy is C++ to use in developing a large (>10000 lines) program?

Considerably better than C. We recently completed at project of about
30,000 lines quite comfortably.

 > Do any special problems appear when maintaining a large program written
 > in C++?

You have to watch out for deep include-file nestings which cause cpp to
throw up, but that is not necessarily specific to C++. The other thing
to watch out for is in choosing the arguments to constructors carefully,
to reduce the number of other classes that each class must know about.

> In what sort of systems have you used C++ as the primary implementation
> language and what prompted you to choose it?

Protocols and switching systems, although still fairly small-potatoes. We
will be enlarging our sights very soon though.

			Mike Mowbray
		    Systems Development
			|||| OTC ||

		    ACSnet:  mikem@otc.oz
		      UUCP:  {uunet,mcvax}!otc.oz!mikem 
		     Phone:  (02) 287-4104
		     Snail:  GPO Box 7000, Sydney 2001, Australia