[comp.lang.c++] OO tools

jimb@mas1.UUCP (Jim Burke) (02/06/88)

I'd like to find out if anyone knows of any design tools available for
either Sun or DOS machines that support object oriented design.  As most
of us know, traditional structured design tools don't get it with OO design.
For that matter, are there any tools available besides OO compilers that
support an object oriented development environment???  Sorry if this
is a repeat of old inquiries but I'm new to this group.  Thanks for
any input.


Jim Burke (jimb!mas1)                   Measurex Automation Systems
{...}pyramid!voder!mas1!jimb            Cupertino, CA  95014
{...}codas!mas1!jimb                    (408) 973-1800 ext. 774