[comp.lang.c++] UNIX to be rewritten in C++

day@grand.UUCP (Dave Yost) (01/11/88)

I thought the following would be of great interest to C++ people:

From: eric@hdr.UUCP (Eric J. Johnson)
Newsgroups: comp.unix.wizards
Subject: Re: Jerry Pournelle on UNIX (from BYTE)
Message-ID: <170@hdr.UUCP>
Date: 6 Jan 88 21:44:58 GMT
References: <11129@brl-adm.ARPA>
Reply-To: eric@hdr.UUCP (Eric J. Johnson)
Organization: HDR Systems, Inc.

... a Unix rewrite is already in the works.  This was mentioned
by Bill Joy at the December Sun Users Group Convention in San Jose.
The new 'enhanced' version of System V will be rewritten from scratch
in C++.  The slide he showed had all the major flavors of Unix being
merged back into one product. ...

-- Eric  J. Johnson         UUCP: eric@hdr.UUCP  CIS: 72460,11  BIX: ericj  --
-- HDR Systems, Inc.        Other UUCP paths: codas!hdr!eric  ugn!eric      --

leech@hayes.cs.unc.edu (Jonathan Leech) (01/11/88)





In article <398@grand.UUCP> day@grand.UUCP (Dave Yost) writes:
>The new 'enhanced' version of System V will be rewritten from scratch
>in C++.

    Presumably C++ will become a standard, supported part of the
Sun OS / SVR3 / Xenix merge, then? Yay, if so.

    Jon Leech (leech@cs.unc.edu)    __@/
    ``After all, the best part of a holiday is perhaps not so much to be
      resting yourself as to see all the other fellows busy working.''
	- Kenneth Grahame, _The Wind in the Willows_

crovella@sunybcs.uucp (Mark Crovella) (01/12/88)

In article <398@grand.UUCP> day@grand.UUCP (Dave Yost) writes:
>I thought the following would be of great interest to C++ people:
>From: eric@hdr.UUCP (Eric J. Johnson)
>... a Unix rewrite is already in the works.  This was mentioned
>by Bill Joy at the December Sun Users Group Convention in San Jose.
>The new 'enhanced' version of System V will be rewritten from scratch
>in C++.  The slide he showed had all the major flavors of Unix being
>merged back into one product. ...

I believe this relates to a joint effort among Sun, AT&T, and
Microsoft to create something called UNIX-TM.  According to the
local Sun rep., this will be a merger of BSD, XENIX, and SysV (!)
and will have a binary specification similar to the SVID.  It is
supposed to be out by late 1989.

And it _will_ be written in c++!
Mark Crovella           "Reflect, ponder, excogitate, reply." - J.Joyce
uucp:	  ..!{ames,boulder,decvax,rutgers}!sunybcs!crovella
internet: crovella@cs.buffalo.edu         bitnet: crovella@sunybcs.bitnet

greg@cstowe.csoft.co.nz (Greg) (01/28/88)

In article <1387@winchester.mips.COM> mash@winchester.UUCP (John Mashey) writes:
>In article <398@grand.UUCP> day@grand.UUCP (Dave Yost) writes:
>>... a Unix rewrite is already in the works. 
>According to the various things published, AT&T are merging SVR3
>and 4.3BSD (really SunOS) together (not exactly unlike a number of
>UNIXes on the market, like HP/UX, etc) for late 1989.

If the people involved are on the net, could they possibly setup a suggestion
postbox somewhere, perhaps with a periodic journal of responses, so that we,
the users / gurus / whatever can have some input, drop a few suggestions, etc.
Everyone must have some things about Unix they would like to see fixed or
changed. Admittedly, it will probably generate a lot of mail, but we are the
people who make it all happen, who sell, install, praise, program in, hack, 

Greg Calkin                                   Commercial Software N.Z. Limited,
...!uunet!vuwcomp!dsiramd!pnamd!cstowe!greg   PO Box 4030 Palmerston North,
or greg@csoft.co.nz                           New Zealand.    Phone (063)-65955

Disclaimer : This will probably be ignored anyway ! Most things I say are.

Back to cyberspace !

henry@utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) (02/07/88)

> If the people involved are on the net, could they possibly setup a suggestion
> postbox somewhere...

I doubt very much that they would be willing to do any such thing.  Have you
any idea how much mail they would get?  A friend on X3J11 estimated that
*they* got over 1000 proposals for new features to be added to C.  That's
written proposals, never mind all the network chatter about it.  Merely
reading and responding intelligently to that kind of flood involves quite
significant manpower and expense.  Especially since many of the proposals,
in my experience with such things, are thoroughly dumb ideas.

Being realistic, given that it's AT&T and Sun who are doing this, and given
that they're talking about the union of System V and 4.nBSD, they undoubtedly
already have an abundance of dumb ideas of their own.  (Taking the union,
rather than the intersection, of the two systems being the first one.)
Those who do not understand Unix are |  Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology
condemned to reinvent it, poorly.    | {allegra,ihnp4,decvax,utai}!utzoo!henry