[comp.lang.c++] Last reminder for C++ tape submissions

day@grand.UUCP (Dave Yost) (02/16/88)

		  *** REMINDER ***

As you probably know, USENIX is putting together a tape
of free C++ software.  Our goal is to gather together
as much software as we can so people new to C++ have
a significant amount of code they can read to see how
things are done in C++.  Many things people talked
about at the workshop will be on the tape.  Perhaps
you have something to contribute.

If so, please take a minute right now and contact

	Peter Salus, Executive Director
	The USENIX Association
	+1 415-528-8649
	usenix!peter or peter@usenix.ORG

We must receive a tape and paper copies of all documentation by

	12:00PM PST Tuesday, February 23, 1988.

(This is an extension of the deadline announced earlier.
You have all weekend to pull it together and then give it
to an overnight delivery company so we get it on Tuesday
morning at the last minute.)

 --dave yost