[comp.lang.c++] Problems with GNU C 1.18 and GNU C++ 1.18.1

bob@acornrc.UUCP (Bob Weissman) (03/17/88)

I am having a devil of a time building and installing GNU C version 1.18
and C++ version 1.18.1 on a MicroVax II running 4.3BSD.  Yes, I've read
all the README and INSTALL files and complied with their instructions.

For example:

* gcc cannot compile itself such that it links without undefineds.
  (This is the "stage1" compile.)

* I get error messages when making the "test1" program for g++.

* The "Hello world" program, C++ version, compiles, links, and runs, but
  produces no output.

If anyone has successfully installed this stuff on a MicroVax (or regular
Vax? should there be a difference?), please reply to this message if you
can spare a little time to help.

Bob Weissman
Internet:	bob@acornrc.uucp
UUCP:		...!{ ames | decwrl | oliveb | apple }!acornrc!bob
Arpanet:	bob%acornrc.uucp@ames.arc.nasa.gov