[comp.lang.c++] C++ Strange Bug

jcc@axis.fr (Jean-Christophe Collet) (03/17/88)

Hello, there !

I've found a *VERY* strange bug in the AT&T C++ Compiler Ver. 1.20 :
When you use a class name (or structure name) beginning with the 2 chars
_C you get the "un-usable struct (class) ignored" error message. then
the cfront behaviour changes with the length of the name :

	- From 2 to 7 chars : Nothing more
	- From 8 to 10 chars : "Free store exhausted"
	- 11 and more : "Bus Error"

I've tried the simplest source I could think about :

struct _C123 {
	int a;
	int b;

and compiled it via CC -F .

Anybody got an idea about it ?


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