[comp.lang.c++] Eifel: info please

peter@hpkslx.HP.COM (Peter Huang 1-691-5272) (03/12/88)

/ hpkslx:comp.lang.c++ / djones@megatest.UUCP (Dave Jones) /  3:09 pm  Mar  4, 1988 /

I just read part of a posting about a language called 'Eifel'.  
>> Are you referring language called 'Eiffel'?

Still, I like to learn about every language that I can, and the intro 
said that Eifel has multiple inheritance.  So I am interested.   Anybody 
know how I can find out more about it?  Recommend a book? 

>> Eiffel is a product from Interactive Software Engineering, Inc. 
>> Their address is 270 Storke Road, suite 7, Goleta, Ca. 93117.  The
>> only documentation I knew is the one from them. There is a article on 
>> IEEE Software (March 1987) by the author of the software.  It is based
>> on Simula.  

All the usual questions:

  1. Is it commercially available (for Sun workstations) at a reasonable
>> I saw the demo on a Sun workstation. I forgot the price, somewhere around
>> 1k.

  2. Is it object-compatible with old libraries (C and Fortran, etc.)?
>> It generates c code

  3. Are compile-times quick?
>> good question

  4. Does it have a compiler/dynamic-linker that can be loaded into an
>> there is a article on Computer Language (Sept, 1986) about a product 
>> Cepage using Eiffel 

hal@gvax.cs.cornell.edu (Hal Perkins) (03/18/88)

Doesn't anybody know how to use a library?

Anyway, here's a few references on Eiffel:

B. Meyer, J.-M. Nerson, and M. Matsuo, "Eiffel:  Object-Oriented Design
for Software Engineering", Proceedings 1st European Software Engineering
Conference, Strasbourg, France, Sept. 1987 (ESEC '87), Lec. Notes. in
Comp. Sci. vol. 289, Springer-Verlag, 1987.

B. Meyer, "Eiffel:  Programming for Reusability and Extendibility",
Sigplan Notices, Feb. 1987, pp. 85-94.

B. Meyer, "Eiffel:  A Language and Environment for Software Engineering",
to appear in Journal of Systems and Software.

B. Meyer, Object-oriented Software Construction, 1987.  To appear.

The last two references are given in the first paper.

Hal Perkins		hal@gvax.cs.cornell.edu
Cornell CS		hal@crnlcs.bitnet