[comp.lang.c++] Compiling cfront output with cc

831059l@aucs.UUCP (STEVEN LUCIEN LANGLOIS) (03/22/88)

	I am just starting to experiment with C++ so please bare with me.
I typed in a small program to print out "Hello world", compiled and ran it
and everything worked fine. I wanted to look at the c source file C++ 
produced so I ran it with the -Fc option and redirected output to a file.
I thought that this would give me a c file that I could compile and then
run using cc. When I tried to compile the C++ output file with the command
cc file.c -llibC, the loader complained saying that it could not open
file libC. I tried many variations of the above, all ending in failure. 
Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong.

Thanx in advance.

Steven Langlois Acadia Univ. Wolfville NS Canada B0P1X0 

mitt@hpclroy.HP.COM (Roy Mittendorff) (03/24/88)

   Use -lC, not -llibC.


bmelli@ccvaxa.UUCP (03/26/88)

From the 'ld' man page:

     -lx       This option is an  abbreviation  for  the  library
               name  `libx.a',  where x is a string.

So try -lC

Bruno Melli	                 

jss@hector.UUCP (Jerry Schwarz) (03/27/88)

In article <991@aucs.UUCP> 831059l@aucs.UUCP (STEVEN LUCIEN LANGLOIS) writes:
>When I tried to compile the C++ output file with the command
>cc file.c -llibC, the loader complained saying that it could not open
>file libC. I tried many variations of the above, all ending in failure. 
>Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong.

A local guru could tell you how to get the library searched. But this
would not yield a correct link phase. C++ linking must included a
"static initializer resolution" phase.  Thus it must be done with a
CC command, not with a "cc" command.  You can do "cc file.c" and then
"CC file.o" if you want to.

Jerry Schwarz