[comp.lang.c++] C++ for Atari Mega ST ???

achowe@watmsg.waterloo.edu (CrackerJack) (03/25/88)

Has anyone ported GNU C++ to the Atari Mega ST yet? Or there anyone
working on a C++ for the ST at all?

Anthony C. Howe                         achowe@watmsg.waterloo.edu

"The definition of flying: throwing yourself at the ground and missing."
		- Douglas Adam's  "Life, the Universe and Everything"

cld@altger.UUCP (Claus L. Duerr) (03/26/88)

hello !

yes, there is a c++ compiler for the atari st, but i think it's a bit
expensive... 400 Pounds
but there is surely a g++ version out there... 

so long

| Claus Duerr          | "Some programmers have been known to howl at full .. |
| Munich               |  .. moons." - "Only at full moons ?!"                |
| West-Germany         |------------------------------------------------------|
| Phone: D-089-4602819 | UUCP:     ...!uunet!mcvax!unido!altger!cld           |

kkaempf@rmi.UUCP (Klaus Kaempf) (03/26/88)

Hi !

A german company named 'MIKADO' announced a C++ version for the ST
at the Hannover CeBIT-Show last week. This will be a port of the
latest GNU Version, available 3rd Q. '88.


dave@sdeggo.UUCP (David L. Smith) (03/29/88)

In article <940@rmi.UUCP>, kkaempf@rmi.UUCP (Klaus Kaempf) writes:
> A german company named 'MIKADO' announced a C++ version for the ST
> at the Hannover CeBIT-Show last week. This will be a port of the
> latest GNU Version, available 3rd Q. '88.

This is interesting.  Are they planning on giving this away, or is this
to be the first test of the GNU copyleft's?

David L. Smith
{sdcsvax!jack,ihnp4!jack, hp-sdd!crash, pyramid, uport}!sdeggo!dave
Sinners can repent, but stupid is forever.