[comp.lang.c++] Controlled access/assignment -- a solution

chip@ateng.UUCP (Chip Salzenberg) (03/29/88)

Several people have griped because they cannot provide access to member
variables and also have the compiler automatically call a user-written
routine when the value is modified.

Actually, it's quite easy.  Don't return a "foo&", just create a class
whose only purpose in life is to be a "foo imposter".  Here is an example
that demonstrates the technique. (Be warned, I haven't compiled this; but I
have used the technique before.)

================ BEGIN EXAMPLE ==================

// temp conversion routines

extern  float   ftoc(float);    // F --> C
extern  float   ctof(float);    // C --> F

// A general (F/C) temperature.

class   CelsiusImp;
class   FahrImp;

class Temp {
	float   celsius;                // None of this Imperial junk :-)

	Temp()          { celsius = 0.0; }

	CelsiusImp      celsius();      // See below
	FahrImp         fahr();         // See below

// A Celsius "view" of a general temperature

class CelsiusImp {
	Temp*   temp;
	CelsiusImp(Temp* t)     { temp = t; }

	// The magic:
	operator float ()               { return temp->celsius; }
	float operator = (float f)      { return (temp->celsius = f); }

// A Fahrenheight "view" of a general temperature

class FahrImp {
	Temp*   temp;
	FahrImp(Temp* t)        { temp = t; }

	// The magic:
	operator float ()               { return ctof(t->celsius); }
	float operator = (float f)      { return (t->celsius = ftoc(f)); }

// Circular class references force me to put these functions last.

CelsiusImp      Temp::celsius() { return CelsiusImp(this); }
FahrImp         Temp::fahr()    { return FahrImp(this); }

================ END EXAMPLE ==================

So there you have it:  now you can write

	Temp t;

	t.fahr() = 212;         // call FahrInp::operator=()

	cout << "Water boils at " << t.celsius() << "degrees C\n";

and you can put whatever code you want into the operator=() functions.

Now stop complaining and write those programs.  :-)
Chip Salzenberg                 "chip@ateng.UU.NET" or "codas!ateng!chip"
A T Engineering                 My employer's opinions are a trade secret.
       "Anything that works is better than anything that doesn't."