[comp.lang.c++] New book

bertrand@hub.ucsb.edu (Bertrand Meyer) (03/31/88)


	Object-Oriented Software Construction
	by Bertrand Meyer
	Prentice-Hall International, 1988
	534+xviii pages
	ISBN, prices and ordering information: see end of this message.

Summary for hurried readers: a software engineering approach to
object-oriented design and programming.

This is an in-depth presentation of the methods and techniques of
object-oriented design and programming. The perspective taken is that
of software engineering: how to apply the object-oriented approach to
improving software quality and productivity in today's industrial
environments. Special emphasis has been put on object-oriented techniques
for building software that is reliable as well as extendible and reusable.

The presentation uses the full extent of object-oriented techniques, with
inheritance (in particular multiple inheritance) playing a fundamental
part. The book introduces a number of original contributions, in
particular the use of formal assertions in an object-oriented context with
inheritance, the concept of programming as a contracting activity,
a new and safe approach to exception handling, full static typing,
renaming techniques for multiple inheritance, deferred classes for
high-level design etc.

The book relies for a large part on the Eiffel language and environment,
which are a direct embodiment of the approach presented. It also describes
other object-oriented languages, notably Simula, Smalltalk
and C extensions. Techniques for implementing object-oriented concepts in
non-object-oriented languages (from Fortran to Ada) are also discussed.


Part 1 (Chapters 1 to 4): Issues and Principles. This part reviews the
fundamental software engineering issues leading to the object-oriented
approach. It analyzes in particular the problems of reusability and
extendibility and discusses various aspects of modularity in software
design. It introduces the fundamental concepts of object-based decomposition
and describes the theoretical basis of the whole approach, abstract data

Part 2 (Chapters 5 to 16): Techniques of Object-Oriented Design
and Programming. This discusses the components of the approach: information
hiding, classes, objects, assertions, programming by contract, disciplined
exceptions, single and multiple inheritance, deferred classes,
redefinition, renaming etc. This part is based on Eiffel. It places
particular emphasis on design (as opposed to just implementation); one
chapter is devoted to the design of class interfaces and another to
high-level design techniques (finding classes, using inheritance properly
etc.). Implementation issues are also discussed, particularly memory
management, garbage collection, and programming environment tools
(configuration management, automatic recompilation, debugging,
documentation, cross-development).

Part 3 (Chapters 17 to 21): Applying Object-Oriented Concepts in Other
Environments. Emulating O-O techniques in Pascal, Fortran, C. The modular
languages: Ada and Modula-2. Object-oriented languages: Simula, Smalltalk,
C preprocessors.

Part 4: Appendices. Eiffel syntax, basic Eiffel library etc.

Bibliography (108 entries). Index.


ISBN 0-13-629049-3 (Cloth), 0-13-629031-0 (Paper). Paper edition is not
available in North America.

Price: $37 (US), Pounds 19.95 (UK).

The book may be ordered from booksellers or Prentice-Hall. It may also be
ordered in the US from Interactive Software Engineering Inc., 270 Storke
Road Suite 7, Goleta CA 93117 USA, Telephone (805) 685-1006, Fax
(805) 685-6869. (Include $5 for postage and handling; in California add 6%
sales tax.) In Europe the book may also be ordered from
Societe des Outils du Logiciel, Centre d'Affaires 3MPP, 4 rue Rene Barthelemy
92120 Montrouge France, Telephone (+33) 1 46 57 13 36
 Fax (+33) 1 46 57 01 03, Telex 205 359 F. (Price when ordering from S.O.L.
is 300 French Francs including postage and handling).

Note: The publication date is March 25. As the book was published by the
International branch of Prentice-Hall in Britain, it may take a few weeks
before it is widely available in US and Canadian bookstores.