[comp.lang.c++] C++ Availability

tyers@trlluna.trl.oz (P Tyers) (02/16/88)

Can anyone help with pointers to availability of C++ (either PD or
commercial) from Australian distributors to run under Ultrix 2.x
and/or VMS.

We are currently in the process of upgrading computing facilities for
staff of the Telecom research Labs. and have been asked to investigate
making C++ available. Please post me and I will summarise for the net.

Thanx in advance

P Tyers,	           JANET tyers%trlluna.oz@uk.ac.ucl.cs
ACSnet 	tyers@trlluna.oz   UUCP {uunet,hplabs,ukc}!munnari!trlluna.oz!tyers
CSnet	tyers@trlluna.oz   ARPAnet tyers%trlluna.oz@uunet.uu.net
MAIL: Telecom Australia (Research), P.O. Box 249, Clayton, VICTORIA 3168,AUST

DMasterson@cup.portal.com (02/20/88)

Can anyone help with the public availability of C++ on MS-DOS compatible
diskettes?  I would like to begin developing a C++ compiler on my Amiga, 
so the key here is PUBLIC availability (small fees might be ok).  Thanx.

David Masterson

tracer@stb.UUCP (Jeff Boeing) (04/01/88)

In article <3330@cup.portal.com> DMasterson@cup.portal.com writes:
>Can anyone help with the public availability of C++ on MS-DOS compatible
>diskettes?  I would like to begin developing a C++ compiler on my Amiga, 
>so the key here is PUBLIC availability (small fees might be ok).  Thanx.
>David Masterson

Me too.
Jeff Boeing (which is not my real name)   |   ...!uunet!stb.uucp!tracer
"All right, you weak bosons!  You're not dealing with some obscure 9th-level
 by-the-book paladin anymore!"   -- Sick Sword