[comp.lang.c++] Writing/reading objects

dave@sdeggo.UUCP (David L. Smith) (04/02/88)

I've been considering writing some nifty stuff in C++, but I ran into
a problem on one part of the (so far theoretical) implementation.

When an object containing member functions is written out to the disk and
then read back in at a later time, I assume that the binary image is
read back into memory.  This has problems, however, if the program has
been recompiled and the locations of the code for the member functions have
changed.  Has anyone dealt with this problem or the more general one of
dynamically loading and linking objects and their associated member functions?

David L. Smith
{sdcsvax!jack,ihnp4!jack, hp-sdd!crash, pyramid, uport}!sdeggo!dave
Sinners can repent, but stupid is forever.

keith@nih-csl.UUCP (keith gorlen) (04/03/88)

In article <187@sdeggo.UUCP>, dave@sdeggo.UUCP (David L. Smith) writes:
> When an object containing member functions is written out to the disk and
> then read back in at a later time, I assume that the binary image is
> read back into memory.  This has problems, however, if the program has
> been recompiled and the locations of the code for the member functions have
> changed.  Has anyone dealt with this problem or the more general one of
> dynamically loading and linking objects and their associated member functions?

My Object-Oriented Program Support (OOPS) class library handles general-purpose
object I/O.  The technique is described in the paper "An Object-Oriented Class
Library for C++ Programs", Software -- Practice and Experience, Vol. 17(12),
899-922 (December 1987).  This paper was reprinted in the proceedings of the
First USENIX C++ Workshop.

Also published in the proceedings is a paper entitled "Two Extensions
to C++: A Dynamic Link Editor and Inner Data" by Phillippe Gautron and
Marc Shapiro.  I believe that the GNU C++ compiler will support
dynamic linking.  Also, Bart Miller (bart@speedy.WISC.EDU) once posted
something about implementing dynamic linking in C++ -- see the 1987
OOPSLA proceedings.
	Keith Gorlen			phone: (301) 496-5363
	Building 12A, Room 2017		uucp: uunet!ncifcrf.gov!nih-csl!keith
	National Institutes of Health	Internet: keith%nih-csl@ncifcrf.gov
	Bethesda, MD 20892