[comp.lang.c++] Proposal for exceptions in C++

dwaitzma@bbn.com (David Waitzman) (04/08/88)

I have some clarifications regarding the paper that I posted the availability
of, and mailed directly to a number of people on request.

The paper was written a while ago (more than a year ago).  At that
time I (and others in the project) met with Bjarne and talked about exceptions.
The paper reflects the discussion at that time.  Since then, things
have changed.  Bjarne went on to other areas of C++.

I didn't update the paper because I no longer go to CMU (yey!), and can't 
really spend much time on C++.  I apologize to anyone who was misled.

disclaimer: BBN has no part in this silliness.

					-david (dwaitzman@bbn.com)