[comp.lang.c++] Apollo C++ announcement

bs@alice.UUCP (05/05/88)


	April 5, 1988 --  Apollo Computer Inc. introduced Domain/C++, the
	first computer vendor-supported implementation of the C++
	object-oriented programming language. C++ is based on the C language
	but provides additional features designed to increase programmer
	productivity and reduce the development time of large and small
	software systems.
	Apollo's C++ is based on AT&T's industry-standard C++ translator.
	Domain/C++ includes a tightly integrated C++ translator, which 
	translates C++ into C, and the Domain/C compiler. Domain/C++ V1.2 will
	be available early in the third quarter, 1988.
	Apollo also announced plans to integrate Domain/C++ with its new
	Distributed Debugging Environment (DDE) in a follow-up release later
	this year. DDE support will let users debug using the C++ syntax for
	classes and objects, making the translation of C++ to C transparent to
	the user. 
	Prices start at $1050 for the C++ Translator and $1600 for the C++
	Translator/C compiler package.  Volume discounts are available.
	For more information, contact your local Apollo representative.
	Paula Slotkin
	Apollo Computer Public Relations
	(617) 256-6600, x4315
	  UUCP:  ...{mit-erl,mit-eddie,yale,uw-beaver,decvax}!apollo!slotkin_p
	  USPS:  Apollo Computer, 330 Billerica Rd., Chelmsford MA