[comp.lang.c++] header files

mgardi@watdcsu.waterloo.edu (M.Gardi - ICR) (05/06/88)

Could I get a little bit of help clearing up something? I have a class as 

class bitmap{
char width;
char height;
char *bitshp;
bitmap(int wd,int he) 
  {some stuff to do}
~bitmap() { clear up some stuff }

Well, its something like that! The question is... What is the normal way of    
compiling classes. I would like to have this class compiled into a library so
that any program that I write can access this class.
Unfortunately, I could not compile the above as it told me ...no functions or data. The C code generated simply had the variable declarations and no code. I
then tried to seperate the code from the rest and include the class as a .h  
file and declared the functions as   inline bitmap::bitmap(etc){}
Am I way out to lunch here? If I just put this class at the beginning of a file and use it, it seems to compile...
I am using advantage c++, on a ps/2 model 60.