[comp.lang.c++] How would you design a new a.out format?

bp@pixar.uucp (Bruce Perens) (05/13/88)

Recent net discussion has pointed out the deficiencies in the BSD a.out
format with extensions for DBX, and the ATT COFF format. Source-level
debugging, new languages, resource managers, run-time-linking, and
shared libraries make special demands on the a.out format.
Extensibility of existing Unix a.out formats has been a problem.

What do you want from a new a.out format?
How would you implement one?

DO NOT POST FOLLOW-UPs. Mail them, and I will post a summary.

	Mail to:	bp@pixar.uucp
	uucp:		{ucbvax,sun}!pixar!bp
	ARPA:		pixar!bp@ucbvax.Berkeley.edu
Bruce Perens - Pixar, Marin County, Ca. 415-258-8167
Send compilers articles to ima!compilers or, in a pinch, to Levine@YALE.EDU
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bp@pixar.UUCP (Bruce Perens) (05/13/88)

Recent net discussion has pointed out the deficiencies in the BSD a.out
format with extensions for DBX, and the ATT COFF format. Source-level
debugging, new languages, resource managers, run-time-linking, and
shared libraries make special demands on the a.out format.
Extensibility of existing Unix a.out formats has been a problem.

What do you want from a new a.out format?
How would you implement one?

DO NOT POST FOLLOW-UPs. Mail them, and I will post a summary.

	Mail to:	bp@pixar.uucp
	uucp:		{ucbvax,sun}!pixar!bp
	ARPA:		pixar!bp@ucbvax.Berkeley.edu

Bruce Perens - Pixar, Marin County, Ca. 415-258-8167
This posting contains the opinions of the author, which are not necessarily
those of the management of Pixar.