[comp.lang.c++] Gnu C and C++ on iAPX286/386 machines

robert@pvab.se (Robert Claeson) (05/14/88)

Is there anyone who has been thinking of porting the Gnu compilers
to machines running the Intel iAPX286 or maybe 386 processors?

henry@utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) (05/16/88)

> Is there anyone who has been thinking of porting the Gnu compilers
> to machines running the Intel iAPX286 or maybe 386 processors?

Porting them to the 386 is a reasonable idea, and somebody's probably
doing it already.  Porting ANYTHING from the Gnu project to the 286 is
strictly for masochists.
NASA is to spaceflight as            |  Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology
the Post Office is to mail.          | {ihnp4,decvax,uunet!mnetor}!utzoo!henry

robert@pvab.UUCP (Robert Claeson) (05/17/88)

In article henry@utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) writes:

> Porting ANYTHING from the Gnu project to the 286 is
> strictly for masochists.

Maybe the huge memory model would work?

Note: I'm using UNIX, not PC-DOS.

tower@bu-cs.BU.EDU (Leonard H. Tower Jr.) (05/18/88)

In article <1988May15.205445.12457@utzoo.uucp> henry@utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) writes:
|> Is there anyone who has been thinking of porting the Gnu compilers
|> to machines running the Intel iAPX286 or maybe 386 processors?
|Porting them to the 386 is a reasonable idea, and somebody's probably
|doing it already.  Porting ANYTHING from the Gnu project to the 286 is
|strictly for masochists.
|NASA is to spaceflight as            |  Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology
|the Post Office is to mail.          | {ihnp4,decvax,uunet!mnetor}!utzoo!henry

Yes, there are people claiming to be working on 386 ports.

The best way to contact them is to post an inquiry to the mailing
(to join this list ask 	info-gcc-request@prep.ai.mit.edu ).

This list is also the same as the gnu.gcc newsgroup.  If you aren't
receiving the alternative USENET newsclass gnu.all yet, ask your
USENET administrator to check with his upstream feeds.

Inquires about the GNU project can be made to

enjoy -len