[comp.lang.c++] Another Performance Comparison

grunwald@uiucdcsm.cs.uiuc.edu (05/14/88)

I've (finally) gotten my simulation environment to run under both C++ and G++
and measure the performance of those systems. I think that this is a more
``realistic'' measure of compiler performance than using dhrystones.

The program simulates a certain form of circuit switching hardware for a
hypercube computer. There are 32 nodes in the simulated system. Each node
has 1 CPU, 1 IOP, 5 RECV and 5 XMIT processes, meaning a total of 384
simulated processes. The simulation library (not the application), tries
to make heavy use of ``inline'' facility for key data types, in particular
the Heap & Fifo data types. When I switched from using the OOPS 'fifo' to
less general FIFO, I got a 20% speed up. When I switched from the OOPS
'heap', I got a 30% speed up (over the 20% already gained). This isn't to
impress you, it's only to show that some care was taken to use C++ 
features to speed up the total simulation time.

There are 4100 lines of code in the simulation library and about 5300 in
the particuar application. The application makes extensive (although not
excessive) use of virtual functions. It's uses a fair amount of floating
point because time is being measured in fractions of microseconds, and
the Pairing Heap used in the event list does floating point comparisons.

The time to run the simulation on a Sun 3/260 was:

	Compiler	Time (CPU seconds)
	CC w/gcc		549 
	G++			579	
	CC w/cc -F68881		629
	CC w/cc -Fswitch	689

I was using GCC V 1.21, G++ V 1.21.1, CC V 1.2.  All compiles used
'-O' as the only optimization switch.

Now to be fair, it was more fun to use G++. It catches many more bugs than
CC does. I did encounter two bugs in G++ which crashed the compiler, but
they're being fixed.

So, why is G++ slower than CC w/gcc? Good question. I'm going to try to
enable various optional optimizations and see what I can find. I don't
have any clues yet. If anyone has clues, please reply. The biggest single
difference is between using GCC or PCC, with the second major difference
being using the -f68881 flag.

Dirk Grunwald
Univ. of Illinois

jima@hplsla.HP.COM ( Jim Adcock) (05/17/88)

Choice of compiler options seems to have a moderate effect on the 
generated g++ code.  Also the local g++ "guru" [whoever made g++ for
your system] can choose what compiler options are in or not in "-O",
so "-O" may or may not be a particularly "good" choice for your system
and your particular application.  The g++ options are worth playing with
for awhile, in order to get a feel for how they affect a particular 
application on a particular machine.  You can ultimately turn on a lot
of optimizations that would affect debugging during code development.

grunwald@uiucdcsm.cs.uiuc.edu (05/17/88)

Here's some more figures on that simulation program.

All of these programs were compiled using G++ V 1.21.1. The only difference
is the command line options

	Options						Time (seconds)
(i)   -O							579
(ii)  -O -finline-functions					554
(iii) -O -finline-functions -fomit-frame-pointer		546
(iv)  -O -finline-functions -fomit-frame-pointer -fcombine-regs	569

So, if you've got production code which you don't intend to debug, G++
using (iii) looks like a good deal. Perhaps the difference between G++
and C++ is that C++ tends to auto inline more functions?

It's curious that combine-regs slows things down. That would take some
playing around to determine that the problem is.

Dirk Grunwald
Univ. of Illinois

grunwald@uiucdcsm.cs.uiuc.edu (05/20/88)

I installed the stuff as it came out of the box, so to speak.

The -finline-functions appears to be worth the effort; the omitting the
link frames is definitly something I'd do only after debugging the rest
of the program.

jima@hplsla.HP.COM ( Jim Adcock) (05/23/88)

I presume you're running with -m68020 and -m68881 on?