[comp.lang.c++] C++ Graphical Objects

malony@uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu (05/27/88)

I am looking for C++ code that defines properties and operations
for basic 2-D graphical objects (e.g. lines, arcs, circles, polygons).
Although this would not be too terribly difficult to create, I
would like to avoid any reinvention if possible.

In the grand scheme, I am interested in an object oriented facility
for constructing and managing graphical objects both individually
and as part of a group of graphical objects.  C++ seemed a reasonable
choice.  Although I am targeting XWindows for the display part,
I would like to have the class definitions and functions general
enough so that different windowing environments could be used.

Any information in this regard would be helpful as I am unaware of
other efforts of this type.  Surely there must be some.

Allen Malony
University of Illinois
UUCP: {ihnp4, seismo, pur-ee, convex}!uiucdcs!uicsrd!malony
ARPANET: malony%uicsrd@a.cs.uiuc.edu
CSNET: malony%uicsrd@uiuc.csnet
BITNET: malony@uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu

calder@Shasta.STANFORD.EDU (Paul Calder) (05/30/88)

In article <44300002@uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu> malony@uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu writes:
>I am looking for C++ code that defines properties and operations
>for basic 2-D graphical objects (e.g. lines, arcs, circles, polygons).
>Although this would not be too terribly difficult to create, I
>would like to avoid any reinvention if possible.

You might like to have a look at InterViews, a C++ user interface
toolkit.  InterViews includes a structured graphics library that
does all that you mention and much more.  InterViews is currently
implemented on top of X (both X10 and X11) on SUN and MicroVAX
workstations, but it is designed to be easily ported to other window

You can get InterViews several ways

    1.	From the X Window System (X11R2) tape, in the 'contrib' directory

    2.	Via anonymous ftp from lurch.stanford.edu (

	You can get the binaries (choose your machine and X version) or
	the sources.  There are also PostScript versions of a couple of
	papers there.  Manual pages are in with the source files.

    3.	By sending a stamped, self-addressed tape (Sun, TK50, or 1/2") to

	    Prof. Mark Linton
	    CIS 213
	    Stanford University
	    Stanford, CA 94305

	You will get a hardcopy of the documentation, too.

    4.	From the C++ USENIX distribution tape (does anyone know if this
	has been released yet?)