[comp.lang.c++] I/O implementation in C and C++

rlb@polari.UUCP (rlb) (05/30/88)

I find it interesting that both K&R (C) and Stroustrup (C++) give
I/O package implementation examples in which buffer allocation takes
place at the first I/O, rather than in the "open".  The obvious disadvantage
to this is error detection; the programmer is surprised to discover that
although the "open" succeeded, the first I/O fails because of lack of
memory (and of course it is usually easier to isolate the open and test
its status than to do the same for the first I/O).  The only advantage I
can think of is that if an "open" is performed but no I/O is requested,
you've saved a bit of memory.  Are there other advantages?
-Ron Burk

ok@quintus.UUCP (Richard A. O'Keefe) (06/01/88)

In article <462@polari.UUCP>, rlb@polari.UUCP (rlb) writes:
> I find it interesting that both K&R (C) and Stroustrup (C++) give
> I/O package implementation examples in which buffer allocation takes
> place at the first I/O, rather than in the "open".
[lines deleted]
>  Are there other advantages?

The point is, I believe, to allow you to assign your own buffer.
The sequence is
	setbuf() | setbuffer() | setvbuf()

mike@arizona.edu (Mike Coffin) (06/01/88)

From article <462@polari.UUCP>, by rlb@polari.UUCP (rlb):
> I find it interesting that both K&R (C) and Stroustrup (C++) give
> I/O package implementation examples in which buffer allocation takes
> place at the first I/O, rather than in the "open".
> ... The only advantage I
> can think of is that if an "open" is performed but no I/O is requested,
> you've saved a bit of memory.  Are there other advantages?
For one thing, it makes setbuf(3s) possible.  You could instead
add an optional argument to "open" to specify a buffer, but this mucks
up the interface for lots of users who never use setbuf.

Mike Coffin				mike@arizona.edu
Univ. of Ariz. Dept. of Comp. Sci.	{allegra,cmcl2,ihnp4}!arizona!mike
Tucson, AZ  85721			(602)621-4252

meissner@xyzzy.UUCP (Michael Meissner) (06/03/88)

In article <462@polari.UUCP> rlb@polari.UUCP (rlb) writes:
| I find it interesting that both K&R (C) and Stroustrup (C++) give
| I/O package implementation examples in which buffer allocation takes
| place at the first I/O, rather than in the "open".  The obvious disadvantage
| to this is error detection; the programmer is surprised to discover that
| although the "open" succeeded, the first I/O fails because of lack of
| memory (and of course it is usually easier to isolate the open and test
| its status than to do the same for the first I/O).  The only advantage I
| can think of is that if an "open" is performed but no I/O is requested,
| you've saved a bit of memory.  Are there other advantages?
| -Ron Burk

While I'm firmly in the camp about open allocating the buffer, I will
concede that doing the allocation at the first I/O has another advantage:
if you use setbuf/setvbuf/setlinebuf/setbuffer on the file, you don't
have to do an allocate/free combination to first allocate the default
buffer, and switch to the user's buffer.
Michael Meissner, Data General.

Uucp:	...!mcnc!rti!xyzzy!meissner
Arpa:	meissner@dg-rtp.DG.COM   (or) meissner%dg-rtp.DG.COM@relay.cs.net

bill@proxftl.UUCP (T. William Wells) (06/15/88)

In article <462@polari.UUCP>, rlb@polari.UUCP (rlb) writes:
> I find it interesting that both K&R (C) and Stroustrup (C++) give
> I/O package implementation examples in which buffer allocation takes
> place at the first I/O, rather than in the "open".  ...
>                                Are there other advantages?
> -Ron Burk

Yes.  you get better control over buffer usage.  For example,
once opened, you can assign your own buffer to the file.  This
would be more complicated if you had to assign your own buffer
after the package had already assigned one.

> [A comment on allocation failure during I/O.]

The packages I am familiar with do not fail if the allocation
fails; instead, they just do unbuffered I/O instead of buffered